Exam Information

Exam Certificates from Summer 2023

The certificates are now in school and are available from Main Reception.  Please note the following:-

  • The certificates are held in safe storage and need to be brought to the Main Reception for collection.  Therefore certificates MUST be pre-ordered by phone/email.  Certificates ordered on Monday to Thursday will be available the next day.  Those ordered on a Friday will be available the following Tuesday.  We cannot guarantee that certificates will be available for collection if they have not been pre-ordered.
  • If certificates are being collected on behalf of a student, they must provide a note/text message to the person collecting them that clearly gives them permission to do so.

Exam TimetablesSummer 2024 Exam Timetable - Year 11

Summer 2024 Exam Timetable - Sixth Form

Summer 2024 Mock Examination Timetable - Year 12

Exam Information Documents

Document Title Date  
Information for Candidates On Screen Tests 16th Nov 2023 Download
Information for Candidates Using Social Media 16th Nov 2023 Download
Information for Candidates Written Examinations 16th Nov 2023 Download
Non Exam Assessment 16th Nov 2023 Download
Preparing to sit your exams 16th Nov 2023 Download
Unauthorised Items 16th Nov 2023 Download
Subject Spec Codes and Exam Boards 16th Nov 2023 Download