At Coundon Court School, we recognise that good attendance is crucial to our students succeeding. Our expectations are:
- Students should be in school every day and arrive on time at 8.30am.
- Please ensure that you communicate reasons for absence to school by 8:30am on the morning of each day of absence.
- Our registers close at 9.30am. If a student arrives after this point without a valid reason from parent/carer, this will be classed as an unauthorised absence for the morning session.
- If a student has an attendance figure that drops below 95%, it is considered a cause for concern (95% equates to 10 missed days across a whole school year). Attendance below that level for this academic year will trigger a new process by which you will receive notification of your child’s attendance. If this does not improve there is a graduated response which could result in legal action.
- To help, please try to make medical appointments (where possible) outside of the school day, take holidays out of school term time, and communicate any reasons for absence clearly with school staff.
- Excellent attendance at school is crucial in allowing a student to fulfil their potential.
At Coundon Court School, we know there’s a clear link between attendance and success in exams, so we encourage students to be in as much as possible.

Absence from school during term time
Legal background and Department for Education (DfE) guidelines
While schools are required to consider parental requests for absence from school in term time, it still remains the legal duty of parents to ensure the regular attendance of a child of compulsory school age. Failure to do so could result in the local authority issuing a penalty notice or prosecuting the parents in the magistrates’ court.
DfE guidelines clearly state that absence from school can be taken in exceptional circumstances, and this means that the parent must make a strong case for taking a child out of school in an academic year. Exceptional circumstances must be explained fully to the school who will then consider the request. Any medical appointments/procedures during school time are always authorised but the school does require evidence, such as appointment cards or letters.
Parents should not expect that schools would automatically agree to an absence from school during term time. All requests are at the discretion of the principal and can only be authorised by the principal or the member of staff with designated authority in the absence of the principal.
Reporting absence due to illness
Please call the office before 8:30am on 024 7633 5121 or email if your child is going to be absent due to illness. Please ensure that you seek medical advice if you have any concerns about your child’s health.
It is recommended to all parents that medical evidence is provided to authorise the absences if students attendance is below the recommended guidance of 95%.
Appointments and holidays
Doctors, dental, and hospital appointments
Please try to book any appointments outside school hours. It is really important that interruptions to your child’s learning are kept to a minimum. We understand that there are occasions when appointment times are out of your control.
School will not authorise whole days for medical appointments where the times cannot be altered.
If you are going on holiday or have another reason for absence, you need to complete an absence request form, available from reception. Please be aware that you may be issued with a penalty notice of £60 per child, per parent.
Request for absence — key points for parents
- Request for absence during term time will not be authorised.
- Any requests for the purpose of visiting family, attending family occasions, or celebrations will not be authorised.
- Parents are at risk of receiving a penalty notice for unauthorised absence. This is a fine of £60 per parent, per child, if paid within 21 days or £120 if paid within 28 days.
- If a pupil's attendance is below 95% and the request for absence is more than 5 days, parents may be prosecuted.
- If prosecuted and found guilty, the parent faces a punishment of a fine of up to £2,500 and/or 3 months' imprisonment.
- Request for absence of 21 days or more may result in pupils being removed from the school register.
- If a pupil is removed from the school register: A) The pupil cannot return to school and B) Parents will need to register their child with the local authority to apply for a new school place.
Attendance Concerns
- School will continue to call home and discuss any attendance concerns with parents.
- Key staff you may be in contact with:
Pastoral Teams
- Mrs K Harrison – Strategic Lead Year 7
- Miss C Lee – Head of Year 7
- Miss A O'Rouke – Progress Manager
- Miss L Barnie – Strategic Lead Year 8
- Mrs G Hind – Head of Year 8
- Miss S Wyer – Progress Manager
- Miss J Smith – Progress Manager
- Miss K Gilliland – Strategic Lead Year 9
- Mrs J Heal – Head of Year 9
- Mr D Seedhouse – Progress Manager
- Mrs A Bartlett – Progress Manager
- Mr A Evans – Strategic Lead Year 10
- Mrs K Green – Head of Year 10
- Mrs R Jaisiah – Progress Manager
- Mrs A Bartlett – Progress Manager
- Mr T Ditta – Strategic Lead Year 11
- Mr M Fisher – Head of Year 11
- Mrs F Walsh – Progress Manager
- Miss K Jones – Education Welfare Officer
- Home visits may also be completed to discuss attendance if it continues to fall
- Attendance Improvement Contracts may be put in place within the year team
- Referrals to in house mentoring may be available depending on level of need
- Letters will be sent throughout the academic year to share concerns/praise relating to attendance
- Rewards/incentives will be shared during the course of a year
Outside agency support available
Compass Coventry – Children and Young People’s Mental Health Service (Early Intervention and Prevention)Early HelpCommunity Children’s Autism Support Service (CCASS)